The Rise Of MS Dhoni and Ranchi – Story of a Ranchite

As per my daily routine, I was going through a Facebook group of Ranchi known as “Ranchites”, so like many FB groups, here also people share Random Stuff like photos of Ranchi City, shayaris, photos of gods and goddesses, and many random things. After few scrolls, I was about to change the tab of browser but then I found a wordpress blog link in a shared post, the headline was “THE RISE OF M.S.DHONI AND RANCHI!!”. As a Dhoni Fan and a Ranchi lover, I got curious about the post and clicked on that link. Generally I am that kind of guy who goes out of the patience after reading 3-4 lines of a paragraph. But this story was very interesting and emotional and Yeah, related to Ranchi and MS Dhoni.

Then after reading that article, I thought of asking the author, Dr. Sumeet Mishra, If I can share his story on this blog, at first he hesitated, but after requesting a lot he gave a Yes nod.

I would love to share his story with all the viewers of this blog. This is very nostalgic and emotional.


MS Dhoni Ranchi

Here is the story of Dr. Sumeet Mishra, a Ranchite. He has completed his primary education in JVM Shyamali, the same school where MS Dhoni studied. He has grown up seeing MS Dhoni from just a “Common Ranchi Boy” to a “National Champion”.


This is the link where he narrated his past memories with Dhoni and of Ranchi.